Education & Resources
The John Ritter Foundation is the number one information resource to help you along your aortic journey where ever you may be.
Aorta Basics
Learn what aortic health means and why aortic dissection is so serious.
Genetic Testing & Family Screening
Genetic testing can help you learn if you’re at risk and help save the life of you or a family member.
Ritter Rules
Learn how to recognize the symptoms of aortic dissection and what you should do to treat and prevent it.
Aorta IQ Quiz
Think you know all about the aorta? Challenge yourself to get educated.
Aorta FAQs
Get the answers to your frequently asked aorta questions (so FAAQs, really).
Living with Aortic Health Issues
Aortic health issues aren’t a death sentence. Find the tips, tools and resources you need to thrive, alongside a support system you can count on.

Your Aortic Health
How you take care of your aorta matters. Get exercise and activity recommendations to improve your health outcomes.

Ways to Get Involved
Feel unsure what your next step is? Join The John Ritter Foundation in continuing our support and education.
Connect with someone who understands.
Learn the rules to help you recognize, treat, and prevent thoracic aortic dissection.
Contribute to research that leads innovations.